为这些时代介绍 Arial。该字体简称为 COVID,第一种严重感染的字体现在免费供所有人使用。首先它接管了我们自己的网站。此外,我们还描绘了用漂白剂洗手的指南、隔离区写的反乌托邦小说、穿山甲的 Zoom 项目和福奇博士的信息图表中的字体。尤其是在宣布大流行结束和生命回归的时候。更多款式将陆续推出。
Introducing Arial for these times. The typeface is called simply COVID and the first, heavily Infected font is now available free for everyone’s use. First it took over our own website. Further, we picture the font on guidelines for washing hands with bleach, on dystopian novels written in quarantine, on Zoom projects on pangolins and Dr. Fauci’s infographics. And especially on the announcement of the end of the pandemic and the return of life wherever it belongs. More styles will follow.
