



当前位置:首页 > 【Yrsa & Rasa】支持超过331种拉丁文语言和3种古吉拉特文语言

【Yrsa & Rasa】支持超过331种拉丁文语言和3种古吉拉特文语言

Yrsa和Rasa是Rosetta在 Google 的慷慨资助下发布的开源字体,这些字体支持超过 331 种拉丁文语言和 3 种古吉拉特文语言(古吉拉特语、卡奇语、阿维斯坦语),这个家庭目前有5个字重。该设计由Anna Giedryś ( @ancymonic ) 和David Březina ( @MrBrezina )完成,字体工程由Johannes Neumeier ( @kontur )完成。

Yrsa 是纯拉丁语系的名称, Rasa 是古吉拉特语系的名字,这两种字体都旨在用于在网络上连续阅读场景(在线新闻、杂志、博客中的较长文章)。Yrsa字体特别考虑了中欧和东欧语言以及对其口音的适当塑造,Rasa字体支持古吉拉特语中使用的各种基本音节和复合音节,就所包含的字形而言,Rasa 是 Yrsa 的超集,它包含完整的拉丁语。

Yrsa & Rasa 项目的不同之处在于设计方法,这是一项有意重新混合现有字体以产生新字体的实验,拉丁语部分基于Eben Sorkin 的Merriweather,古吉拉特语以 David Březina 的Skolar Gujarati为基础。

2020-2021 年,Yrsa 和 Rasa 获得了重大更新,Rosetta 为两种类型字体的立柱添加了大量字形,以提供更广泛的语言支持,包括对越南语的全面支持、额外的数字风格集(有衬里和文本数字、上级、下级、分数)以及相当多的货币符号。除此之外,Anna Giedryś 还为拉丁字母创建了备受期待且经常被要求的斜体,与立式字体不同,斜体字完全是从头开始设计的,给这个系列带来了独特的触感。 Yrsa 针对屏幕和在线使用进行了优化,现在是一种全面的文本字体。 Rasa 仅收到了一个较小的维护更新,并添加了支持阿维斯坦语言的字形。两个系列都带有可变字体!

Yrsa and Rasa are open-source type families published by Rosetta with generous financial support from Google. The fonts support over 331 languages in the Latin script and 3 languages in the Gujarati script (Gujarati, Kachchi, Avestan). The family currently has 5 weights. The design was done by Anna Giedryś (@ancymonic) and David Březina (@MrBrezina). The font engineering was done by Johannes Neumeier (@kontur).

Yrsa is the name of the Latin-only type family. Rasa is the name of the Gujarati type family. Both type families are intended for continuous reading on the web (longer articles in online news, magazines, blogs). In Yrsa, a special consideration was given to Central and East European languages and proper shaping of their accents. Rasa supports a wide array of basic and compound syllables used in Gujarati. In terms of glyphs included Rasa is a superset of Yrsa, it includes the complete Latin.

What makes the Yrsa & Rasa project different is the design approach. It is a deliberate experiment in remixing existing typefaces to produce a new one. The Latin part is based on Merriweather by Eben Sorkin. The Gujarati is based on David Březina’s Skolar Gujarati.

In 2020–2021, Yrsa and Rasa received a major update. Rosetta added a substantial set of glyphs to the uprights of both type families to provide wider language support, including full support for Vietnamese, additional stylistic sets of numerals (there are lining and text numerals, superiors, inferiors, fractions) and quite a few monetary symbols. On top of all this, Anna Giedryś created the highly anticipated and often requested italics for the Latin script. Unlike the uprights, the italics were designed completely from scratch, giving the family a distinctive touch. Optimized for screen and online use, Yrsa is now a well-rounded text typeface. Rasa received only a minor maintenance update and an addition of glyphs to support the Avestan language. Both families come with variable fonts!



本字体以SIL Open Font License 1.1(SIL 开源字型授权版本1.1,简称SIL OFL 或OFL)授权协议发布,这个授权的自由度非常高:

✔ 这款字体无论是个人还是企业都可以自由免费商用,也无需知会或者标明原作者。

✔ 这款字体可以自由传播、分享,或者将字体安装于系统、软件或APP中也是允许的,可以与任何软件捆绑再分发以及/或一并销售。

✔ 这款字体可以自由修改、改造,但修改或改造后的字体也必须同样以SIL Open Font License 1.1授权公开。

✘ 这款字体禁止用于违法行为,如因使用这款字体产生纠纷或法律诉讼,作者不承担任何责任。

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关于SIL Open Font License 1.1授权协议的内容、免责事项等详细细节,请查看详细的License授权文件的内容。



字体来源出处2:https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Yrsa (需要科学上网才能打开)

