Tilt字体系列的灵感来自店面标识中的立体字体,由Andy Clymer设计。它由三种相关的可变字体样式组成,您可能会在商店橱窗中找到
● Tilt Neon模仿霓虹灯灯管的结构,
● 倾斜棱镜是基于棱柱形刻字,铸造或切割在一个材料,
● Tilt Warp类似于脱皮的乙烯基贴纸。
这三种字体都是基于一个标识画家的几何无衬线字体的相同字母模型,类似于Futura或Avant Garde字体,但有一些你可能会在用画笔绘制字母时看到的细节。
Tilt is a family of type inspired by the dimensional lettering found in storefront signage, designed by Andy Clymer. It’s comprised of three related variable font styles that you might find in a shop window —
● Tilt Neon mimics the construction of neon tube lettering,
● Tilt Prism is based on prismatic lettering, cast or cut in a material,
● Tilt Warp resembles peeling vinyl stickers.
All three are based around the same letter model of a sign painter’s geometric sans serif, similar to the typefaces Futura or Avant Garde, but with the kinds of details you might expect to see when the letter is built up with a brush.
The three styles are designed and built as variable fonts. Instead of using variation axes that you would expect to find, such as “Weight” and “Width”, these typefaces allow users to rotate the orientation of their glyphs with “Rotation in X” and “Rotation in Y” axes. The rotation is limited to ±45° so that the letterforms never rotate past a readable range.
本字体以SIL Open Font License 1.1(SIL 开源字型授权版本1.1,简称SIL OFL 或OFL)授权协议发布,这个授权的自由度非常高:
✔ 这款字体无论是个人还是企业都可以自由免费商用,无需知会或者标明原作者。
✔ 这款字体可以自由传播、分享,或者将字体安装于系统、软件或APP中也是允许的,可以与任何软件捆绑再分发以及/或一并销售。
✔ 这款字体可以自由修改、改造,但修改或改造后的字体也必须同样以SIL Open Font License 1.1授权公开。
✘ 这款字体禁止用于违法行为,如因使用这款字体产生纠纷或法律诉讼,作者不承担任何责任。
✘ 根据SIL Open Font License 1.1的规定,禁止单独出售字体文件(OTF/TTF文件)的行为。
关于SIL Open Font License 1.1授权协议的内容、免责事项等详细细节,请查看详细的License授权文件的内容。
字体来源出处2:https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Tilt+Prisme (需要科学上网才能打开)
注:安装后在PS、AI、word等软件中若找不到该字体,可搜索名字「Tilt Prism」